
Who is Blaise Pascal?

Does anyone remember Blaise Pascal?

He was the French mathematican/physicist who, despite many mathematical discoveries, is probably most remembered for his work involving the pressure exerted by liquids and gases. In fact, the unit of Pressure - the Pascal (Pa) - is named after this man.

Anyway i was reading the other day that Pascal was quoted as saying "There is a God shaped vacuum in the heart of every man which cannot be filled by any created thing, but only by God, the Creator, made known through Jesus". I didn't think too much about it at the time.

Then, today i was reading an article on climate change. Interesting, the consequences of society's response (or lack thereof) to the issue of climate change was compared to our response to God - as described by Pascal. The analysis offered by Pascal was referred to as 'Pascal's wager' and was described in the article as follows:

"Believe in God though he does not exist, Pascal argued, and you lose nothing in the end. Fail to believe when he does in fact exist, and you lose everything."
PS. In researching the first quote, to make sure i remembered it correctly, i discovered a website of quotes which contains many other quotes of Pascal. The address for Pascal's quotes is http://en.thinkexist.com/quotes/blaise_pascal/