..if I were going to worship something other than God, I think I would choose gravity.
Gravity does more than just drop apples on Isaac Newton’s head. It causes water to flow downhill, carving ravines and canyons. It causes cliffs to crumble. It wraps a thin skin of atmosphere around the earth. It holds the earth - and the other planets - in stable orbit around the sun.
Yet gravity surrounds us, envelops us, so completely, so universally, that most of us are completely unaware of its presence.
Which is, now that I start to think about it, a pretty good description of how most of us perceive God, too
Similarly (though a few thousand years earlier) St Paul, in his letter to the church in Rome, writes "Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made."