
Climate Change and God

Believe or not, there are still a few people out there who think that climate change and global warming are just a natural occurences - that 27 billion tonnes of annual greenhouse emissions have no effect on the atmosphere.

As ludicrous as that sounds, it got me thinking as to why someone might be so attached to denial. My best guess is that it's because there are consequences in admitting there is global warming and climate change. Consequences such as admitting our past actions have harmed our environment; and changing the way society operates (in order to avoid future damage). Possibly the most difficult consequence is that of thinking beyond mere self-interest and considering the effects of our actions on others.

In thinking about this, I realised the parallel to the situation with Jesus and becoming a Christian. It involves owning up to being less than perfect (and being forgiven). It involves making an effort to be better in the future (with God's help). Also, it often involves being less self-obsessed and materialistic than might otherwise be the case.

For some, this is too much to confront. For some, it seems easier to construct a barrier of tenuous logic and rationalisation, rather than face the possibility of an inconvenient truth.

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